One of those days


Best that I just go to bed now. Night, night . . .

Image by Sister72


Pyzahn said…
Is it just me or is there a face hiding in that swirl of melting chocolate? Maybe it's cause I just saw Jabba the Hut on TV.

Yesterday I ate a pint of Cherry Garcia. I've never done that in my life.

(sounds of spoons clinking) Here's to us.
♥ Braja said…
Oh, supremo :)
And hey, yeah! I'm commenting!!!! Woot!
Unknown said…
Hi Kathleen,

When I saw the thumbnail of this pic I thought it was potter's clay gone wrong - which is why you'd given up! But if it's chocolate ice cream???!!!
Unknown said…
That chocolate ice cream wouldn't have sat there long enough for me to carve a face in it. Just saying.
Linda B. said…
That's one big smile! "By golly, Jim...I'm beginning to think I can cure a rainy day," Dr. McCoy.
Grace Albaugh said…
This image you chose is awesome. Yes, I said awesome. Here's to those melting moments.

Hang in there honey!
Kathleen said…
Julie: Thanks! Much needed.

Pyzahn: Well, you're entitled. It's summer after all!

Braja: @you: w00t!

Alex: =;^}

Derrick: What better way to melt down than with chocolate ice cream!

Linda: So you're a trekkie, are you? Love the quote. Most apropos!

Jane: I hear you!

Grace: Yep, softens up the edges!
Linda B. said…
Only watched the old Star Trek tv shows in my youth. Spock's image staring at me (earlier post) influenced me and I looked up Star Trek quotes. If Sunday's wonderful wave and words were in the vicinity of the smiley melting ice-cream, the comment might have been, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Phil. 4:11
Anonymous said…
Chocolate ice cream, with or without an image is just fine with me.
♥ Braja said…
Sheesh, you're such a STAR, Ms Kathleen....yesterday my Diamond Post, today POTD, tomorrow the freakin' WORLD, huh?? :)
♥ Braja said…
Sheesh, you're such a STAR, Ms Kathleen....yesterday my Diamond Post, today POTD, tomorrow the freakin' WORLD, huh?? :)
Unknown said…
Congrats on POTD Contender!
Brian Miller said…
ha. love the smile in the icre cream. it helps you know. smiles. congrats on the POTD mention.
Cheffie-Mom said…
How funny! Congrats on the Post of the Day mention!

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