For a sweet heart

Family in the field

Encased in smooth, seed-dimpled skins
 rounded rubies growing from the earth 
we rustle, pluck them from green mounds

Row after row, we inch our way
parallel, hunched over, knees on straw
popping deep reds into our greedy trays

And a few choice morsels
when no one is looking
stain our lips, shut our eyes, guilt us

Mercy, but they're tasty
on this hot morning
ripe with strawberry scent

What's this?
One shaped like a heart --
perfect for this day of parting


Alex the Girl said…
My best vacation memory is of a strawberry farm where we ate more than we picked. I can't remember berries being so tasty, or our tongues becoming so raw. Truly a delicious post!
Pyzahn said…
Perfect pairing of words and pic. Now dip that baby in dark chocolate and take me to heaven.
Julie B. said…
That beautifully summarizes yesterday morning! Mmmmm strawberries!
Rudee said…
Strawberries and love. Can you have one without the other? I don't think so. This berry is one of nature's best gifts to us.
Grace Albaugh said…
Other than the achey knees and lower back there is nothing better than fresh strawberries.

The words are perfect.
Unknown said…
Strawberries seem to be universally loved. I had some with my cereal this morning but glad I didn't have to pick them! Lovely words.

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