Along the shores of Gitche Gumee . . .

And the muse said:
Rest, my dear, rest.

So I did.

But when I was awake, here's what I saw . . . 

Silky smooth stones

Wildflowers and grass

A mama and her babies
(She had some things to teach me)

The gentle rocking of a swing

This morning's view

A heart . . .

Then I made a promise to be in bed by 11 pm.
And I almost kept it.

More to come . . . 


Jinksy said…
Full marks for spotting the stone heart... :)
ellen abbott said…
That first picture of the sunset is so beautiful.
Renie Burghardt said…
Ah, surrounded by nature's beauties! What could be better? Enjoy!


Pyzahn said…
Ah, me thinks you had a lovely weekend.

Pretty, pretty pictures.

Sigh. I need to get the heck out of Dodge. Soon, soon.
Just gorgeous!!! ♥
Kathleen said…
Jinksy: I'm honored. But I must confess, hearts jump out at me. I never leave the north shore without finding a heart. It's lovely, really.

Ellen: I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those colors. No touching up or extra saturation needed. Which is why I'm sure the Muse wanted me to visit.

Renie: Yay! Always wonderful to see your face here and to read your comment. I agree. What could be better?

Pyzahn: Minnesota's a bit far fro Dodge, but you're certainly welcome here!

Boomer: Thank you, kind one. That little point and shoot got a work out this weekend!
Erin Davis said…
Ah, lovely. I'm renewed just looking at your photos. Glad you had such a nice weekend.
Kathleen said…
Erin: Do you suppose the north shore of Lake Superior does for me what your river does for you?
Shannon Miller said…
Wow, beautiful images - love the simplicity, and the heart stone! So beautiful :-)

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