Guest blogger: Charlotte speaks


Kathleen's gone and done it again. She went splat running to catch the bus home. No concussion this time, but she's going to have a sore shoulder tomorrow and some very cool bruises on her knees.

She wanted me to tell you she might not be blogging for a couple days. Oh and to be sure to thank David at authorblog for the really nice shout out for her post on her messed up pictures in Paris. She also really appreciates all the comments people left and she'll reply soon!

OK, so now I'm going to go snuggle up with her. She likes it and I get a belly rub!

Till next time --

Your friend, Charlotte


Jinksy said…
Oh, dear...a touch of the more haste less speed syndrome? Hope the bruises soon go. :)
Jinksy said…
PS...Thank YOU for the thank you on your side bar! x
Unknown said…
Hi Charlotte,

Please tell Kathleen she needs to take more water with it in future! And I hope her bruises aren't too colourful or her shoulder too sore. There's always the next bus!
Renie Burghardt said…
Oh, what a bummer! Ouchie! Ouchie! Snuggle up and give Kathleen some wet, healing kisses on her boo-boo's, Charlotte, so she heals quickly!

Bow Wow Hugs
Pyzahn said…
Ohhhh, Kathleen. Splat? Walk, do not run, to the nearest couch, snuggle with the dogs and watch some cheezy TV. Oh, and you are free to eat bunches of junk food.

Feel better.
ellen abbott said…
ooo, bummer. I hate when I trip. Makes me feel stupid. Hope it all eases soon.
Tell Kathleen to be well; and let her know that a friend composed and sang an Irish blessing for our wedding very similar to lovely one she's added here.
Rudee said…
Ice, ice and more ice. I hope you're better soon.
Alex the Girl said…
Ouch! There is nothing worse than having the concrete rush up to greet your face. Why do sidewalks have to be so polite? Nice seeing you again, Charlotte (have I told you that I just LOVE your name?)! Enjoy your bonding belly time.
Janie said…
Oh, dear, Charlotte, I hope Kathleen is feeling better.
Sistertex said…
Oh No, Kathleen feel better soon. Lots of scritches to you Charlotte for filling in for her!
Oh, no! So sorry!! Hate those splats!
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