Holy, holy holy

The world is holy.

We are holy.

All life is holy.

Daily prayers are delivered on the

lips of breaking waves,

the whisperings of grasses,

the shimmering of leaves.

-- Terry Tempest Williams

from Talking to God: Portrait of a World at Prayer (anthology)

Image by prgibbs


♥ Braja said…
Oh Kathleen I love that....I usually do a post called Weekend Wisdom and that really is just the thing I like...I'm adding you as my diamond icon :))
Jinksy said…
Is that painting or photo? Lovely either way...
Unknown said…
Hi Kathleen,

My own post today is a little along these lines, in essence.
sheila said…
Over from Braja's...this post is truly beautiful! Love it!
Pyzahn said…
Lovely way to begin a Sunday morning....or any morning, actually.
Grace Albaugh said…
You find the most beautiful images with the most beautiful words. I just love visiting here with you.
darsden said…
beautiful pictures and message :-)
Pseudo said…
Absolutely loved this. I live in Hawaii and the beach is a place where I feel closest to spirit. Especially when I take long walks or get inside the ocean.

Also love your dog's post ;-) I have a border collie who makes it into a lot of my posts.
Ananda girl said…
You have obviously heard your muse!
You can see the divine in these. Thanks for sharing them.

BTW I came here through Braja's diamond.
Erin Davis said…
Beautiful. I love TTW, but I haven't checked out this anthology. Now I will!
Joy Tilton said…
Beautiful post, insightful to look out from our little world to the bigger picture! Spooky how the lipstick test is so close to our personality! Thanks for coming to visit grannymountain today...
joy c.
Jeanne Estridge said…
That was beautiful. Thank you.
LadyFi said…
Just beautiful!
Brian Miller said…
amazing pic and lovely words! so calming.
Kathleen said…
Braja: Thank you. I am deeply touched by your gesture.

Jinksy: It's a photo. Amazing, eh? If you click on the word "image" in the credit line, you can see more of this photographer's gorgeous work. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Derrick: Beautiful piece you wrote. Hard to beat synchronicity.

Sheila: Welcome! And thank you for your kind words! Hope you'll stop by again soon!

Pyzahn: Thank you, dear one. I miss water. Only hard part about being landlocked. But Lake Superior beckons!

Ellen: Thank you, my friend. And what a whimsical new picture. Fun!

Grace: And I can say the same of your blogs. Consider it said!

Darsden: Welcome, welcome! So glad you found your way here. I'll stop by for a visit!

PHST: Welcome! Hawaii . . . sigh. Never been, must go. I'll pay a visit and get my fix of beach, sun, and dog posts! So glad you stopped by. I adore border collies.

Ananda girl: Oh but that muse is random creature.
But I thank you for your very kind comments. And I'll stop by to visit your blog. That Braja and her diamond. Grand idea! Please visit again?

Poetikat: I have not read The Book of Hours, but I'm guessing by the title that it must have something to do with Benedictines and observing the Hours, which I think an extraordinary practice. We have an Benedictine Abbey nearby and I've gone on retreat and observed a few of the hours with them. Thank you SO much for the award! You're dear one.
Kathleen said…
Erin: So glad you enjoyed this. I only recently discovered TTW (I must not be running with the right crowd.) One word: WOW!

Joycee: Amen to that! (Both thats!)

Jeanne: Welcome! Thank you for your comment and your visit. Sure hope you'll stop by again. I'll pay visit to you soon!

Janie: Hey, welcome! Thanks for stopping my. So glad you enjoyed the post and I hope you'll come by again soon. And I'll swing by your blog for a visit, too!

LadyFi: Welcome! Thank you for you visit and your comment. Please come back for a visit!

Brian: Ah, calming. Yes -- that would be the order of the day for a Sunday, eh? I need to work on that one. So happy you paid a visit. I've really taken a shine to your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your work. Hope you'll stop by again soon. Cheers!

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