Long overdue

By Chris Heeter

I was long overdue for a walk in the fields,
away from whirring fans
and shades drawn against the heat.
Away from ringing phones
and minds buzzing with schedules and possibilities.
Even away from rich conversation,
and people that I love.

As I let the walk take me,
bird song awakens my spirit.
A hawk bursts forth from a nearby tree
with a whoosh of red-brown feathers.
A gentle breeze plays with leaf shadows.
My heart begins to relax.

Even the deer skull on my path
served only to speak of life and death
and the rhythms of a natural world.

And finally, thankfully,
the endless dialogue
between my own two ears
begins to slow,
quieting in the light
of this beautiful summer morning.

Chris Heeter runs the Wild Institute and posts a poem every Wednesday. You can sign up to receive Wild Thoughts weekly by e-mail. A collection of her poetry has been published by Yileen Press.

Image by arichitk2


Unknown said…
Oh, to have that "endless dialogue between my ears" abate!!
Oh, this is wonderful! Just what I needed. I love these walks. To be alive (not alone) with God and His world. Drilling down to what I hear is only peace.
Unknown said…
Hi Kathlen,

A lovely poem, soothing just to read.
Joy Tilton said…
Endless dialog between my ears...oh how this fits me to a tee. My days are long but not long enough to get everything done. Do you know what I mean!?!
darsden said…
Beautiful poem and picture! :-)
Grace Albaugh said…
This is really lovely. Puts me in the right frame of mind.

I'm off to the wedding for 10 days. I'll see you when I return.
Janie said…
Great photo. I love the misty gold.
The poem is lovely, too.
Erin Davis said…
Oh, I am often long overdue for such a walk and a break from the "endless dialogue between my two ears."

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