A little bird told her

8:03 am
She boards the bus and takes her seat in the back row
She closes her eyes and draws 3 long deep breaths, quiets her thoughts
The first prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can . . .
She's said this prayer thousands of times, but this is new
Courage to change
What is courage?
What does it mean, really?
Inhale, exhale
Stay with it, listen, just listen, l i s t e n
Quiet now . . .
Words coalesce into thought
Like hearing a bird's song for the first time
Its asks that you be humble and willing
It does not mean that you summon bravado and muscle
That is something else
Some say courage is fear that has said its prayers
That is closer
Courage asks that you step forward
aware, in this moment, imperfect
Courage is not the absence of fear
But rather the presence of trust in what cannot always be known
You may feel alone, but you are not
You may feel you have not succeeded, but you have not failed
You may feel foolish, but courage comes paired with wisdom
Walk through your day with this word
in the palm of your hand,
on the tip of your tongue
Look at it, taste it when you need it
And you will need it
Quiet again . . .
She completes the prayer
And the wisdom to know the difference
Her eyes open and the bus has almost reached her stop
How is it possible the trip went so quickly?
She leaves the bus, but the word travels all day with her
And she needs it in many little ways
Image by ravi gogte
I liked this A LOT.
yes everywhere I go I see Braja before me...LOL
Lovely post.
You're right. We need courage in so many little ways - just publishing a post!
Thanks for being such wonderful visitors. This one felt really "out there" for me. So your encouragement truly madly deeply got me through a long day. Peace --
Jinksy: Great motto!
Jane: Thank you. Took a little of the "C" word to post it, so much appreciated!
Braja, GS, Darsden: Too funny!
Ellen: Thank you. Much appreciated!
Renie: That explains a great deal!
Willow: Thank you! So nice to have you stop by!
Derrick: And the big ones too!
Pyzahn: That's intriguing . . . I hope you'll say more about that!
Rudee: The colors, eh? And the stillness. Glad you liked it.