'Please, please, please . . .'

"Take us to the dog park again!'

~ Charlotte and Cora

"Would you two please sit down 
and put your seatbelts back on?
How many times do I have to tell you?"
~ Kathleen


Jinksy said…
Reminds me of a poem I wrote:-


"Are we nearly there, Mum,
are we nearly there?"

Children's voices whine.
Tense hands grip steering wheel
as distracted mother attempts
to negotiate rush hour traffic.

"Soon", her short answer
bites. She flicks her hair,
glances at her reflection,
doesn't see the lorry turn.

Freeze-framed silence numbs,
before brakes screech,
metals grind. Over the cacophony
a ghostly echo reverberates.

" Are we nearly there, Mum,
are we nearly there?"
J said…
They look quite magnificently regal, glad their humans know their place is to chauffeur them to interesting doggy places.
Boozy Tooth said…
That photo is amazing! Had to look close... wasn't sure whether there were two dogs or I was experiencing double vision from too much wine (again).

You can imagine how relieved I am that it was the former. I mean... there ARE two dogs in that photo, right?
Boozy Tooth said…
Dadgummit. Now there are THREE!
Joy Tilton said…
I think I've been drinking too much Acai juice, it looks like a two headed dog to me! Have a great weekend!
joycee at grannymountain
Unknown said…
What a fantastic photo! And some really good looking dogs!
Rudee said…
There's nothing like the excitement of a doggie joy ride.
steven said…
kathleen that's exceptional!!!! i remember a bike ride and coming down the road toward me was a car. two huge dogs - one on either side of the car - had poked their massive heads out the windows and were barking at each other as fast as they could! i could hear them coming and i could still hear them long after they had passed me. they looked like they were having the best game!!! steven
Gail said…
Wonderful perspective
Dianne said…
charlotte and cora are such beautiful girls!
the photo is exceptional
the perspective is wonderful and there is just so much to see and feel
ellen abbott said…
Well, me too. Looked like a two headed dog. What a great pic.
Barb said…
Looks as though they enjoy having their ears flap in the breeze.
Stacey J. Warner said…
How adorable. Dogs love wind in the face!

Great picture and post.

much love
lakeviewer said…
I love it. Nothing like pooches to make us appreciate and anticipate.
Finding Pam said…
Your dogs, ahem...your girls are beautiful!

Mine love to ride in the front seat with me. They all want the front seat, so they have to take turns.
Julie B. said…
Awwwwwwwww! So cute!
Anonymous said…
Yay! I love that! All of my favorite people are dogs. Thank you for the fabulous image.
Hilary said…
This is a wonderful shot. Love those faces which appear to be floating.. and the one reflection in the window.. all to be reflected in the mirror. Great job.
Kathleen said…
@Jinksy: Wow. That is one powerful poem. Such spare language (a style I love) and so evocative. The children's voices and hurtling metal -- scary combo. Well done!
Kathleen said…
@J: Oh, yes, they have us quite well trained! LOL!!!
Kathleen said…
@Alix: LOLOLOLOL!!!! Yep, 3 -- last time I counted! Charlotte is never satisfied unless she can outdo Cora.
Kathleen said…
@Joycee: You're so funny! That's exactly what Mr. B said when he looked at the photo -- and he wasn't drinking in Acai juice! Have a great week and holiday!
Kathleen said…
@Jane: I'll pass your comment on to the "girls"...I'm sure they'll expect a trip to the beauty shop after that! LOL
Kathleen said…
@Steven: That is hilarious! I wish I could have seen that. But'll I'll keep the image in my mind's eye. Thank you for sharing it!
Kathleen said…
@Gail: Thank you. It was one of those rare moments. I had to scramble for the photo before they changed that pose!
Kathleen said…
@Diane: Thank you so much! The girls will be quite happy to hear your compliment. Kind of a wild and crazy catch. So glad you enjoyed it!
Kathleen said…
@Ellen: LOL!!!! Yes, indeed. They do tend to be inseparable!
Kathleen said…
@Barb: Well, Charlotte's ears are certainly long enough to flap, that's for sure. She also has the longest tongue of any dog I've seen. Glad she kept that inside!
Kathleen said…
@Stacey: Thanks! They do love the wind in their face, especially if it means a trip to the dog park!
Kathleen said…
@lakeviewer: And keep us endlessly entertained! Thanks for the comment!
Kathleen said…
@Finding Pam: LOL! No worries, I'm devolving into a dog! That's so funny about the front seat. Mine do the same!
Kathleen said…
@Julie: I thought you might like that one! Dogggggeees!!!!
Kathleen said…
@Melissa: LOL!!! I know what you mean. Thank you so much for the visit! (and permission to use your wonderful dog image, too!) I'll let you know when it's up.
Kathleen said…
@Hilary: Thank you! I had no idea posting this shot would be so entertaining! It was a silly and delightful moment! Happy you were entertained!
Lori said…
Great photo! Congrats on POTW at Hilary's!
Daryl said…
Super shot ... congrats on POTW from Hilary!
Anonymous said…
Incredible image, just wonderful...had to look hard to be sure it wasn't a two headed dog. Thanks Hilary...another found gem for Post of the Week mention.
Anonymous said…
Here from Hilary's POTW. This is adorbale!
Maria said…
Came to congratulate you on POTW mention. Thanks for making me smile!
Janie said…
Funny, and a very cute and original picture of the dogs!
Brian Miller said…
lol. too cute. hope you had an amazing thanksgiving...and congrats on the POTW!
MaggieGem said…
Great photo! Love the mirror shots!

Congrats on the POTW from Hillary.
blunoz said…
That's really cute. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on POTW.
Kathleen said…
@Smiles4you: Thank you! So happy you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come back again!
Kathleen said…
@Daryl: Thank you! I'll be swinging by your post for a visit as well! Hope you'll come back again!
Kathleen said…
@Moannie: I must admit, I did a double take, too, when I looked at outside. Glad I was able to fumble my camera out of my cramped purse fast enough to catch to two-headed urchin!
Kathleen said…
@TTWC: Aw, so glad you liked it. And thanks for the visit!
Kathleen said…
@gaelikaa: So glad my silly girls made you smile. They do the same for me daily. What a blessing.
Kathleen said…
@Janie: Wow...that coming from you, the master of critter photos, is a true honor! Thank you, my dear. And thank you Cora and Charlotte for risk your "necks" so that I could have an interchange with so many fine folk!
Kathleen said…
@Brian: Yeah, they're pretty silly. No grandkids yet and with an empty nest I have to entertain myself with these urchins! Had a wonderful, restful thanksgiving. And while I didn't mention my blogging friends when we went around the table, because everyone is tired of hearing me carry on about them, I most certainly said a little prayer of thanksgiving to myself. I am eternally grateful to have discovered your blog!
Kathleen said…
@blunoz: I just crack up thinking about how you got that "handle"! Thanks for the comment and the visit! Hope you'll be back again!

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