Homework assignment

"Sit at midnight and close your eyes;
feel the grass, the air, the space.

Listen to to the birds for ten minutes at dawn.

Memorize a flower."

~ Linda Hasselstrom

Midnight symphony by dryicons.com 
Starlings at dawn by F.d.W.

Flower image by geniusbeauty.com


Anonymous said…
Great but yet so difficult homework, Kathleen! To stay calm for a few minutes, focused on something "not that important", forgetting all other thoughts and worries at that moment... I always find my thoughts wondering!
Boozy Tooth said…
You make me wanna be a Zen Master.

If only...
Rudee said…
Can I wait until summer to give this a go? It's a little chilly to sit in the grass these days!
J said…
Confession #2: the only thing I like listening to at dawn is myself, snoring! ;)
Janie said…
Now that's a great assignment, and good for the spirit. However... I'm not inclined to sit outside at midnight when the temps are below freezing!
Barb said…
Thank you for my homework - it may take me a lifetime, but I think I can do it.
steven said…
kathleeen i appreciate these thoughtful reminders. slowing down. being inside the moment. have a peaceful day. steven
Unknown said…
Man, did I need this reminder. Thanks so much!
Unknown said…
Hi Kathleen,

Now, why wasn't homework like this when I was at school!

BTW, had to smile at your laundry post. Three cheers for Mr B!
♥ Braja said…
Love frangipanis...have many of them in my garden....
Kathleen said…
@Petra: I don't believe it's a problem for your thoughts to wander. I find the same thing when I meditate, but the practice of returning to my breathing is calming in itself. So happy you stopped by an left a comment!
Be well!
Kathleen said…
@Alix: A little zen never hurt anyone (at least I think it hasn't?) Now you make me want to find out for sure! LOL!
Kathleen said…
@Ellen: Amen to that!
Kathleen said…
@Rudee-- You can take all the time in the world you want. Or wrap yourself up in a nice warm blankie and try it. I recommend the latter!
Kathleen said…
@J: I hear you sister! But I must say that it's a novel thing for me-- a night owl -- to be getting up earlier and experiencing how beautiful sunrises and their accompanying sounds are. Mr. B and I traded dog walking times ( I used to do the late night walk) but decided i wanted to begin my mornings with more time for contemplation. And now I really look forward to those moments. Did you find the crazy pink photo on fb?
Kathleen said…
@Janie: Ah, Janie, I was counting on you to be able to this assignment and show everyone how rewarding ti is. Got snow pants? I have extras! LOL!!
Kathleen said…
@Barb: Enjoy the journey!
Kathleen said…
@Steven: Do you think it's possible to go go too slow.
Kathleen said…
@Derrick: Yep that Mr. B is a keeper.
Kathleen said…
@Braja: You k.new what the were ! which must mean one things: you've got them memorized good or you!

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