And then the sun came out

Rain, rain, rain today.
Good weather for a very busy work day.
I did get outside for a few moments during lunch, and look what found me!
It was lovely to see beauty everywhere after a bit of a dry spell.
(Mustn't tell Mr. B, though, that I was taking pictures in the middle of a street.)

Image by Kathleen Kimball-Baker


Jinksy said…
Cosmic! Or so it appears...
Boozy Tooth said…
I love the nebula gas ring!

Kathleen, your comments as Casa Hice were incredibly timely and appreciated. I needed a little love yesterday. I was especially thrilled that you think I am a good writer!! Ohmigosh. Compared to all the brilliant writers and blog authors, I feel like a shlub, but I'm really not trying to impress anyone. Still... having a compliment like that from someone like you, being an editor and all - well it just means the world. Thank you so much. And thank you for following Casa Hice. Wow. I'm not worthy.
Unknown said…
I love the elements, all of them, so find this just beautiful. Is it really a nebula gas ring as Alix stated, or merely "cosmic" as jinksy says?
Rudee said…
I have your rain today. It sounded good while I was drifting in and out of sleep, but I'm over it now.

The photo is very interesting.
Hah! I love that you do things like take photos in the street. :-)

And, yes, most definitely lunch. When?
Gail said…
An oil slick, I never thought about a photo, this is divine!!!
Linda B said…
So cool! (even if it's not the heart-shapes that find you, or visa versa) I can still be in the road, just not suppose to stand on tables/chairs. Be careful out there!
ellen abbott said…
It does look like something you would see on Astronomy Picture Of The Day.
Mimi said…
Yes, I too think it's spilled oil, but you captured something beautiful in it.
I love the smell after a shower of rain, but only about once a fortnight, not every day like we get here!
♥ Braja said…
Sande said…
Perty. Great finding pretty in the unexpected
Kathleen said…
@Jinksy: Sure felt cosmic to me, though I wasn't exactly looking at the heavens! LOL
Kathleen said…
@Alix: The not trying to impress anyone thing? It's what makes your voice so lovely!
Kathleen said…
@Jane: And I love ambiguity! But I'm going to have to go with cosmic! =^)
Kathleen said…
@Rudee: But a good day to knit?
Kathleen said…
JGW: I've stood in worse places . . . hehehe . . . about lunch -- perhaps Thursday?
Kathleen said…
@Gail: Ever seen a sun halo or a sun dog? On a sunny, wintry day in Minnesota, we're sometimes treated to the celestial decoration. I've only seen one sun halo, and I'll be darned, if it didn't look like this oil slick! You just never know when you're going to get ambushed by beauty!
Kathleen said…
@Linda B: I shall do my best to be careful. But it's not my forte! Hah! Thanks for stopping by, Linda!
Kathleen said…
@Poetikat: I do believe oil was involved. Car meets nature and makes something pretty. How often does that happen?
Kathleen said…
@Ellen: Love it! I'll have to check that out!
Kathleen said…
@Mimi: Yes, I can imagine that would get old. I think that's why I live in Minnesota rather than Seattle. I can handle snow much better than rain!
Kathleen said…
@Braja: Yay! You noticed! I was sweatin' that one!
Kathleen said…
@Sande: On my best days, that's precisely what happens! Thanks for visiting!
Janie said…
Oil meets street, and you found beauty there. Extraordinary!
Kathleen said…
@Ribbon: Thank you!

@ Janie: Well, fortunately, it found me. When I go looking, I don't seem to be as lucky. Why is that? It's like scanning the sky for shooting stars. The harder I look in one place, the more likely they are to show up in my peripheral vision!

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