Ahhhhhhhhh . . .

"I teach my sighs to lengthen into songs."

--Theodore Roethke

Image by racytay


Unknown said…
What is that flower? It's so sweet and small.
Rudee said…
If I could do the same, I could write a symphony.
Alex the Girl said…
It's a magical flower that protects its wearer from magical harm. Good Morning, Kathleen.
Pyzahn said…
I'm gonna hold that thought and try to work it into my life.

In other news....your ever changing blog layout... I see you blinking away down there on the right hand side....
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
What a wonderful quote! And gorgeous photo!!

Say, I've been out of touch a few days, but I'm almost ready to bring my blog back public after major tweaking, etc. I've even changed my name to ♥Boomer♥ -- though you can still call me bfs-MIMI or ... 'friend.'

Hope you're doing great!! Love this post!
Unknown said…
That photo is perfect. Love the colors. So quiet and perfect.
Kathleen said…
Jane: I don't know for sure, but I think it's a begonia? The photographer referred to it as a little giraffe. Sweet, eh?

Rudee: Sing, sister, sing!

Alex: Yeah, that!!!

Pyzahn: Yes ma'am, I have NEVER looked so good. Proud to be a blingsta! I embedded the bigger version first and about blinded myself when I "viewed blog". I think this version is much more ladylike, yes? 0 ;-)

Poetikat! Strength and honor, sister!!!! Welcome to my little neck of the woods. Are you not entertained?!! Answer: Maximus Decimus Meridius, father to a .... So, how many times did you see it in the theater? (Watch out -- I'm danglerous, too, and I'll be following you!)

♥Boomer♥: Thank you for gracing my blogspace with your lovely comment. I'll be on over to check out your tweaks. Love the avatar photo.

DBSO: Check out that photographer's other works. She's amazing!

All: I'm going to go sigh till I sing now. . .
Joanna said…
I'm pretty sure it's a Cyclamen. Often they're a magenta or pink but I think the sweet white is the best.
Kathleen said…
Joanna: Thank you so much for that flora wisdom! Just a lovely little thing, isn't she!?
Grace Albaugh said…
This image is absolutely stunning! And the quote divine.
Unknown said…
Yes, it is a cyclamen, Kathleen. They are beautiful flowers and often grow in the dappled shade of woodland but you can buy houseplant versions too.

The quotation is also lovely. If only we all could!

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