RockStarSon, youngest of 3, at age 6: "So, Ma, if you got one of these, there would only be room for one other person, right?"
Me: "Yep."
RockStarSon: "Hmmm, I really think you should get it."
Before the day I swore I'd never purchase another drop of gasoline some 5 years ago, I fully intended to one day buy myself a sweet little Mazda Miata.
Those days are gone, and now what I'd really like is a truck. Yep, a little beater that runs on trash. I don't think that's going to happen any time soon (unless someone wants to donate one to the "cause" *).
Meanwhile, we've all been lolling about a bit too much . . .
Ginsberg's trademark sleeping pose
Cora taking a break
Charlotte sharing her favorite spot on the "palace" with Ginsberg
. . .so Ginsberg, the girls, and I are gonna put some miles on this baby . . .
. . .at least till enough snow falls to bring out the sled.
Please try not to be too jealous.
* Transportation for the pack, the sled, and me to mushing events
Ginsberg seems to get bigger by the day! Have I mentioned how cute he is?!
Great shots