Transient, imperfect, beautiful

I was quite taken with a post on A New York Magpie's Eye , a blog where there's plenty of room to breathe and where it's tempting to linger and soak up beautiful photography with just the right amount of words.

The author's May 17 post on the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi often rests in the back of my mind as I look at the world through my point and shoot's eye. I plan to learn more about this lovely aesthetic.

In the meantime, a humble attempt at capturing what strikes me as transient, imperfect, and beautiful . . .

Wood and rust 

A weed

Golden bark at dawn

Waves and rocks

Gills of a mushroom

Clay pots

Fender of a trailer

Light, leaves, and shadows
And may you experience Wabi Sabi throughout your day.
Images copyright (c) 2009. Kathleen Kimball-Baker


♥ Braja said…
Golden bark at dawn, favorite ;)
And love the weed..
and fender..
Boozy Tooth said…
It's truly amazing what you can see when you truly look (or when someone does the hard work for you and frames the subject so expertly), I'm loving the golden bark at dawn best too. But the gills, pots, and fender are gorgeous too. Thank you!
steven said…
hi kathleen, these are all simply beautiful. the clay pots image is especially nice!!! have a peaceful day. steven
Unknown said…
You have so got what it takes to be a professional photographer. Light, leaves and shadow is my fav.
darsden said…
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darsden said…
try this again.. I love the wood and rust picture, actually I love all of them they are beautiful shots.
magpie said…
beautiful! i'm flattered that you took any sort of inspiration from me.these are wonderfully observed and composed and inspiring to me.
Pyzahn said…
I do hope you are keeping/cataloging all those lovely images cause I'm seeing a book someday.
ellen abbott said…
All lovely Kathleen (and that's what I use, a little point and shoot) but I especially liked the clay pots and the gills of the mushroom.
Hard to choose a favorite because they are all really lovely!
Unknown said…
Hi Kathleen,

Looks like you've got the eye for whatever wabi sabi might be, to me! I like the bark, weed, pots but particularly the leaves, light and shadow. Lovely!
Janie said…
wabi sabi is an interesting concept, and you've captured it's essense.
Transience is important in our concept of beauty, I think. Anything that stays the same all the time ceases to have appeal.
Beautiful photos. The light on the leaves and on the ocean spray is particularly appealing to my transient eye for ever-changing beauty.
Joanna said…
Oh wow! These photographs are just stunning. You have such an eye! I love the light through the leaves, also the mushroom, and... Oh I just love them all. And I was just talking to my sister today about the concept of Wabi Sabi. It's so appealing.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Wonderful, Kathleen!!!!!!!!! Hands clapping!!! ♥
Erin Davis said…
Wow! You are so talented, Kathleen! You make the ordinary beautiful and new.
Fine Life Folk said…
Oh, I adore the last image with the leaves embracing the light or filtering it.

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