Go on, give us your worst shot! We double-dare you!

Why I could never make it as a wedding photographer

Now, before you say no, hear me out.

See, I've been following the blog of this Scottish chap (no, not the bagpiper dude above) who posts extraordinary photographs of extraordinary places from all around the world. It's as if nothing comes out of his camera but extraordinariness. All these castles and cathedrals and ancient bridges and gilded sculptures and sunken gardens appear on his blog as if they were right outside his door. (Actually, I think a few are.)

More than once, I've asked him if he's capable of taking a bad picture. Hint, hint. And more than once he's responded that of course he is. And still, nothing but perfection ever shows. Well, that kind of standard simply cannot go unchallenged. We are humans, after all, not photobots!

So, I finally hit my limit, and I dared him to post a bad shot. Not only that, I double-dared him. If he'd do it, so would I. It takes some courage to show one's imperfections, right? Especially for all the world to see! But it's a good thing not to take ourselves too seriously at times and to be able to chuckle at our foibles, right?

Well, Derrick, being the gentleman that he is, accepted the dare. And then we thought, hmmmm, why keep the fun all to ourselves, why not dare kindly invite the rest of you amazing bloggers out there to join our "photographic imperfection" day.

And so, a meme was born. (Is that even possible?)
Thus . . .
 My delightful (and extraordinarily talented) friend, Derrick of Melrose Musings , and I
cordially invite you to
  Prove the adage that nobody's perfect
on Monday, September 21, 2009. 
Got that?
You have genuine permission to let your guard down along with the rest of us and
give us your worst shot.
So here's the plan, to quote Derrick;
 (Cue the Scottish accent):

"Simply dive into your digital dark room; flip through your photo album; or sort out your slides and extricate a photograph that didn't turn out quite as expected. The subject can be anything you like (within the bounds of decency, of course!). As for its failings: it could be under or over exposed, poorly focussed, an action shot that was too late for the action, an accidental click of the shutter; the list is endless. You're bound to have one somewhere, we all do!

If you're feeling brave, or brazen, you might like to post a few. Or you may wish to pair the bad with the good and show us what the shot was really intended to look like; the choice is yours. If you are happy to participate, please let either Kathleen or Derrick know and we will add your blog to the list for all the eager visitors to see."



Think of this as bloopers. 

Should be fun-- extraordinarily so!

 My chance to capture EarthDoctor son in a suit blows past me . . . 
(You mean I was supposed to take it off the macro setting?)


Unknown said…
This sounds like quite a bit of fun you and Derrick (I visit Melrose Musings regularly too!) have dreamed up Kathleen! My problem is, I delete those bad shots as soon as I see them; don't want to clutter up my folders with something I'm NOT going to use. But I will thoroughly enjoy the postings of all of you out there!

BTW, those are REALLY bad shots of that wedding! ;-)
Sometime I shall have to show you my mother's "bad picture book" collection. I have to admit, many of the photos feature yours truly and the "badness" is due to my ability to look completely ridiculous rather than any lack of ability on the part of my mom.
Boozy Tooth said…
Call me crazy, but I love those blurry photos. And by the way... it's quite chic and artistic to blur the lens now anyway, so it's almost like you're before your time on this one. The bride may disagree however.
♥ Braja said…
Nooo!!! I love your perfection, Kathleen :)))
Unknown said…
Hi Kathleen,

The answer is NOT to sample the sherry until AFTER the ceremony!!

I've got a few volunteers so far. Let's hope for lots more!
Rudee said…
I need to get busy finding the perfect bad photo. I have lots.
Janie said…
Oh, I take plenty of bad photos, but I usually delete them right away. Now I'll keep them to proudly display!
Kathleen said…
@Jane: Hee hee hee . . . they are aren't they! I've got a couple more doozies!

So, my dear, I dare you between now and Sep 21 to NOT delete your baddies and play with us!!!

Kathleen said…

I MUST see those. What a great idea your Mom had. Now I get where that wicked sense of humor comes from. Are you gonna accept our dare? Are you the one who said grown-ups should go knock on their friends door and ask them to come outside and play?

I dare ya!!!
Kathleen said…
@ Alix:

Well, there you go! One more reason to accept the dare. Who knows? You, too, might be ahead of your time.

So what do you say, Alix? How 'bout joining the fun?!

I dare you!!!
Kathleen said…

hee hee hee ...
"Go on, I'm waiting . . ."
Gonna play with us, Braja?
I dare you!
Kathleen said…

Well, NOW you tell me!!!

Hey, looks like Rudee's going to join us.

Hooray!!! The more the merrier!!!
Kathleen said…

Yay! That's the spirit!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
Kathleen said…
@ Derrick:

We have another brave soul -- Janie!!!

@ All:

Invitation is WIDE open!!!
Grace Albaugh said…
This sounds like fun. I'll get started sifting throuth my stuff. I'm sure I'll find something suitable. I'm glaring with imperfections. :)

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