And 'joy can spring like a flower . . .'

Hilary of The Smitten Image honored me with a photography Post of the Week.
Thank you, dear Hilary! These shots are for you!

"For happiness
one needs security,
but joy can spring
like a flower
even from the cliffs
of despair."

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Quote found on's Jun 7 Word for the Day


ellen abbott said…
They may have been for Hilary, but I enjoyed them very much.
steven said…
kathleen thanks for sharing your gift to hilary here. i kept saying "oh my" as each picture unfolded. they really are stunning! steven
Hilary said…
You're such a sweetie, Kathleen. Thank you so much. Your flower images are just beautiful - I felt like I could reach out and touch every one of them, especially that third one. Gorgeous!
Congrats on award - so well deserved. Your photographs are stunning!
Julie B. said…
Wow, your photos are amazing! If you have the wall space, you should print and frame some! :)
Janie said…
The flowers hots are perfect, so crisp and clear.
Barb said…
All are wonderful, but the Lily of the Valley and Columbine are my favorites. Such depth and color - exceptional!

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