And then 'turn the mirror' . . .


we need to look
to those we love and admire
in order to realize what
we value about life.

We can take time to note
what we like about others,
and then turn the mirror
to reflect the light
of those same words
and feelings toward

It can be quite revelation to see ourselves in this nourishing light.

When we can put the energy
that we've been devoting
to a phantom sense of achievement
into the truly satisfying aspects of our lives,
we can restore the balance
between our inner and outer worlds

and experience true joyful peace."

From Dec 6 Daily Om
Image by Samantha Steele (flickr)

*A very special thank you to Uncle KT who sent nourishing light my way Friday.*


Uncle KT said…
It did ME good to "hold up a mirror" to your light. Thanks again K!
Suldog said…
Big true, here. Thanks for placing some things in perspective.
Wishing you and hubby a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year ~ hugs ~ Eddie

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