Another day, another X-ray

Let's see. Where were we? Oh yes, Part 2 of I abandoned by husband for a dog.

I nearly forgot. A fair amount has transpired since I reported Part 1, and, truth be told, I have been loopy on pain meds until 2 days ago.

Here's the condensed version:

  • Ginsberg regains his exuberance less than 2 days after abdominal surgery, and I realize it is pointless trying to force pain meds down the throat of an 8-month-old Alaskan Husky who will eat ANYTHING but pain meds
  • Mr. B discovers he has 20/15 vision, post-cataract surgery
  • Ginsberg skins his nose trying to open the cabinet under the sink to reach the trash, after I have jury-rigged the handles closed with a rubber band and flat cheese grater (oops)
  • Kathleen watched her second knee surgery in real time -- supercool!
  • Ginsberg leads Cora and Charlotte on another Great Escape
  • Charlotte breaks a leg whilst participating in the Great Escape
  • Kathleen's chances of acquiring a truck for mushing adventures dwindle along with her meager savings
  • Charlotte replaces Kathleen as the "loopster"
  • Kathleen considers renaming her abode to "A Musherwannabe's Accidental MicroKennel" and seeking sponsorships for my pups and their vet bills
But perhaps, the events of the past 11 days are best told with video and photos. You be the judge!

Ginsberg, Loopster #1, doing his ever-loving best
to stay awake after returning home
from abdominal surgery

See the fringe on the pillow that has Ginsberg's rapt attention?
It's not there anymore.
It took a trip down Ginsberg's gullet and got
hung up on its way into his small intestine.
It now resides in a zip-lock bag--outside.

Ginsberg's "grated" nose

The new-fangled crate security system,
before we added 8 more carabiners

Ginsberg, Mr. B, and Charlotte chillin'
after Ginsberg and Mr. B have surgery on the same day

Kathleen chatting it up with topflight knee surgeon . . .
Thank goodness she wasn't worried or anything . . .

Loopster #2 on her way home from knee surgery.
She could finally wiggle her toes about an hour after surgery,
when the spinal finally wore off

The Great Escape
Mr. B accidentally leaves the front door open
and Ginsberg seizes the opportunity
to lead the pack on a big adventure.
Escapees blast off down the street,
then, amazingly return home at full speed
with Ginsberg in lead, Cora a half block behind,
and Charlotte bringing up the rear, heading straight for the front door
and limping for the next 3 days
[Image courtesty of GuildingEmber]

The vet X-rays Charlotte's leg today and discovers a
 spiral fracture on her left distal ulna bone, which 
he suspects, is the result of stepping into a 
pothole during the Great Escape.
He adorns her with a hot pink cast
that we must keep dry for 6 weeks.
(It's already wet.)
But you gotta hand it to her, she was very
close to Cora, who is twice her size and
did not come home with a broken leg.
This girl has heart!

Loopster #2, who happily takes her pain meds

This is Wally. 
I don't think he'll be coming home
 with me anytime soon.
But I have been wondering
a lot about quantum physics lately

Were you wondering about the photo at the top?
That would be EarthDoctorSon
(who may one day be renamed MushroomGeekSon, PhD)
 holding one of an assortment of fungi
that he'd like Mr. B and me to sample.
Stir-fried, perhaps.

Here's another:

And couple more:
Stay tuned!


Oh, my dear, your life is say the least!

I love, love, love the Gins video and I shall be working with you to manifest a truck. :-)

Tess Kincaid said…
Sounds like quite a bit has been going on at your house! Rest up and heal fast, my friend.

Love those incredible mushrooms! wow!!!
ellen abbott said…
I'm sorry Kathleen but I chuckled all the way through. that Ginsberg...what a handful.

I'm glad your surgery went well, but, ummm, two knee replacements and you are raising a musher? to mush with? Isn't that hard on your knees?
Lydia said…
Holy shmoly! I haven't clicked here for awhile and so the nutshell version of your amazing existence was much appreciated. I am truly sorry for all these happenstances....but, and this is a huge BUT, they make for excellent stories! You be good and take care so you will be able to stay up with that charming Ginsberg. The difference between his reaction (adorable, adorable) to the pain meds and Charlotte's is pronounced and hilarious.
Make sure those mushrooms collected by son-scientist aren't the crazy kind. You do not need any more excitement than your life is giving you all on its own! :)
Erik said…
Poor Charlotte... She's got the spirit and energy of a dog three times her size, just not the body for it.
Barb said…
Perhaps you could write a best selling novel, "Ginsberg and Me" with Charlotte as a bit player - you could get a huge advance and buy the truck. Really - I'd buy the book! Hope you ALL are on the road to recovery!
becky said…
You may have to rename your blog to the "Misfortunes of the Kathleen Clan!" Sheesh, you poor thing.
Mr B, Ginsberg, you & your knee, Charlotte's leg... hope you're all on the mend! :)
Anonymous said…
Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Ottima idea, sono d'accordo con lei.
Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. Penso che questo sia una buona idea.
Unknown said…
Glad everyone's been having adventures! Have things calmed a little?
Janie said…
Don't let Ginsberg try the mushrooms!
At least Charlotte's hot pink cast is attractive.
Hope you're off the meds by now and feeling better.
Uncle KT said…
Wow! from beginning to end. But that first mushroom really is amazing!

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