To shine like a diamond

"And still,
embracing it
and bringing it into the light
of the One who calls us Beloved
can make our brokenness
shine like a

~ Henri J. M. Nouwen
From Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World

Image by Kathleen Kimball-Baker


Lydia said…
Oh, that is just beautiful. I will want to return to see it again later!

(Hi Ginsberg!)
Tess Kincaid said…
What a lovely, lovely thought. I'm taking this back home with me. Thank you! xx
Gail said…
What a beautiful if I can only apply it.
Unknown said…
And where have you been digging up rocks like that, Miss Kathleen?!
Barb said…
Kathleen, I was hoping you hadn't smelled bananas and linoleum again - you haven't posted in awhile... However, this is a gem of a post and worth remembering. The contrasts in the photo are wonderful.
Rudee said…
Beautiful, Kathleen.

I've missed you here and need a puppy update.
Suldog said…
A diamond isn't really a diamond until it's cut :-)

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